Aus Mittel- und Neulatein macht Schule!
Version vom 11. September 2020, 07:23 Uhr von imported>Mnlmachtschule
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/* Das folgende JavaScript wird für alle Benutzer geladen. */ $(document).ready(function() { //checks difference between number of rows and ids. If none, guide is complete and code can be removed. //if a result is used in more that one question reduce the value or results by the number of reuses var rows = $('#qTable tr').length - 1; var liids = $('#qTable li').length; if(rows != liids) { $('#errdiv').html('Number of rows ( ' + rows + ' ) does not match the number of questions ( ' +liids + ' )').show() } $('#qTable li').on('click',function() { //style the selected answer $(this).addClass('selectedAnswer').siblings().removeClass('selectedAnswer'); //find the id of the first question in the group //var q1id = $(this).parent().children('li:first').find('s').text(); //hide all rows after the currently displayed row and remove selectedAnswer style var rowCurrent = $(this).closest("tr").prevAll("tr").length + 2; var rowsAfter = ' tr:nth-child(n+' + rowCurrent + ')'; $('#qTable' + rowsAfter).hide().find('li').removeClass('selectedAnswer'); //show the next row that matches the question id var italNum = $(this).find('s').text(); var qNext = ' tr:nth-child(' + italNum + ')'; $('#qTable' + qNext).fadeIn(800); //scroll code to bring next question into view var qNextPos = $('#qTable' + qNext).offset(); var qNextTop =; var qNextHigh = $('#qTable' + qNext).height(); var qNextBot = qNextHigh + qNextTop + 20; var scrHigh = $(window).innerHeight(); var difHigh = qNextBot - scrHigh; if(difHigh > 0) {window.scrollTo(0, difHigh)} }) })